Improved P/M high-speed steel with toughness and corrosion resistance.

SPMR8 contributes to extended service life of dies and tools.
High performance
Cost down
Making the most of alloy design, which the powder metallurgy process enables, and homogeneous and dense metallographic structure, outstanding toughness and corrosion resistance are achieved.
- Toughness is greater than that of powder high-speed steel (SPM23).
- Corrosion resistance is equivalent to or higher than that of high-chromium cold-work tool steel.
- Hardness and wear resistance are equivalent to powder high-speed steel (SPM23).

SPMR8 improves dies and tool service life and contributes to cost reduction.
- SPMR8 provides high hardness and high toughness and contributes to suppress early cracking and chipping while dies are used.
- The outstanding corrosion resistance to various acid environments contributes to suppression of early wear arising from corrosion of plastic molding machine components.

- Cold forging dies and cold-work tools where high toughness is essential.
(Punches, rolls, mandrels, etc.) - Plastic molding machine components