Trust from shareholders and investors
Promoting communication with shareholders and investors
To promote greater understanding of our business strategy and our business conditions, we are striving to publicly disclose investor relations data, hold one-on-one meetings with institutional investors, conduct financial results briefings and take other initiatives to facilitate communications.
Disclosure of IR information
We are actively working to publicize information on our performance and activities in a timely manner. We have established Investor Relations pages (English and Japanese) on the Company website, providing a range of IR materials including financial highlights, summaries of financial results and earnings forecasts. For overseas viewers we offer Annual Reports (in English) and a variety of other data. We also offer (in Japanese) videos of our financial results briefings via our website. In FY2016 we held our first overseas IR meeting in London. As our Company expands globally, this was a valuable opportunity for us to enhance our communications with overseas investors.
Our discussions with shareholders and investors
We continue to hold financial result briefings for institutional investors, financial institutions and clients, and have one-on-one meetings with institutional investors.
At a financial results briefing for analysts that we held in Tokyo in May 2017, Managing Executive Officer Kozo Takahashi explained the financial results and President Shinya Higuchi explained our 10th Medium-Term Business Plan. At the Q&A session that followed, there were many questions about the Medium-Term Business Plan and our
Company's business.
We have held a factory tour annually for individual shareholders in March, since 2007. These events are held to help deepen understanding of our Company's business. Most of people taking part in tours of our impressive manufacturing sites tell us afterwards that the tour helped them to get a greater understanding of our Company's business.

Financial results briefing for analysts

Factory tour and financial briefing for individual shareholders