Beware of counterfeit mill sheets or product labels for steel products


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Beware of counterfeit mill sheets or product labels for steel products

In recent days, there have been sporadic occurrences involving the counterfeiting of mill sheets for steel products. It has come to our attention that Sanyo Special Steel, as well, has experienced cases in which the length, dimensions, steel grade and the like, listed on the mill sheets of our products have been tampered with, as well as counterfeit products with fabricated product labels claiming to be the authentic products of Sanyo Special Steel.
Even if our company’s name or trademarks appear on these counterfeit mill sheets or product labels, they have absolutely nothing to do with Sanyo Special Steel. Therefore, we strongly advise you not to sell, purchase, or use any of these false mill sheets or products at all.
If you become aware of any suspicious on our mill sheets or product labels, please contact at the contact desk set out below.

【Contact Desk】
General Affairs Department
Sanyo Special Steel Co., Ltd.

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