Company Information


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About Us

The Sanyo Special Steel Group offers “Steel You Can Count On,” which is manufactured by incorporating high-cleanliness steel manufacturing technology and which has earned a high degree of confidence from the market in all aspects including development, quality and stable supply.
Products of the Sanyo Special Steel Group, including bearing steel that has the largest market share in Japan, are used in various areas of society. The main raw material is scrap iron, which indicates that we are promoting an environmentally conscious and recycling-based business.

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Corporate Profile
Company Name Sanyo Special Steel Co., Ltd.
Head Office 3007, Nakashima, Shikama-ku, Himeji, Hyogo 672-8677, Japan
【 Map 】
Established January 11, 1935
【 History 】
President MIYAMOTO Katsuhiro
Number of Employees 6,397 (consolidated basis)
1,623 (non-consolidated basis)
Capital 53,800 million yen
Net Sales Consolidated basis : 353,810 million yen (Fiscal 2023)
Fiscal Year End March 31
Business Segment Specialty Steel
Manufacturing and marketing of various special steel products, including bearing steel, engineering steel, stainless steel, heat resistant steel and tool steel.
Metal powder
Manufacturing and marketing of metal powders and powder metallurgy products.
Formed and Fabricated Materials
Manufacturing and marketing of formed and fabricated materials made from special steel bars and tubes.
Providing information processing services.

As of March 31, 2024

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