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Aims of Sanyo Special Steel
Our business strategy is based on “Confidence-based Management,” and Sanyo Special Steel aims to establish “Confidence of society,” “Confidence of customers” and “Confidence among people.”
Toward the realization of a sustainable society
Since our founding in 1933, the Sanyo Special Steel Group has worked under the corporate philosophy of “Confidence-based Management” to contribute to the well-being of society and the achievement of a resource-recycling society.In the present day and indeed in the future, as the structure of society and industry both undergo tremendous change, special steel products will continue to play a major role as a basic building block of society, and customer needs will continue to rise even further.In the future, the Group will continue to work on forward-looking technologies and build up trust in the “Sanyo Special Steel - the Confident Choice” brand, sparing no effort over the long term. As we take one step at a time toward achieving sustainable growth, we will continue to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.