Trust from employees
Human resource development
Development of employees’ skills
To enable each and every employee to play an active role and perform to their full potential, we strive to provide attentive training and personnel assessments through dialogue.
(1)Training of "self-motivated" human resources eager to take on new challenges
In line with our basic policy of "Training and utilizing people," we have set up a detailed training and education system. We hold a range of group training programs on a timely basis, based on development of ability through their day-to-day duties, with the objectives of fostering employees who have both the spirit of
accepting new challenges and the individuality to set and resolve problems by themselves.
We provide support programs for self-development and various types of training for personnel, including incentive programs for obtaining qualifications that pay employees a monetary reward upon acquisition of a qualification or license. We also provide specialist training by department for skills in areas such as patents and sales, and we dispatch personnel for various external training programs including group training across diverse skills areas as well as online study.

The overseas language training of new employees
(2)Systematic training of global human resources
In response to the globalization of the business environment, we are accelerating our training of human resources capable of performing on the international stage. Specifically, we aim to provide overseas language training for all new employees in planning positions as well as study abroad at universities, graduate schools, and research institutes for select personnel. In addition, we will periodically hold in-house TOEIC exams and language courses including English for junior employees and candidates for overseas postings.
In addition to efforts to improve language proficiency, we will enhance our training programs on themes for acquiring international sensitivity through experience and systematically develop global human resources.
Personnel assessment Establishing work tasks and training themes through dialogue

A dialogue with her managers about work tasks and training themes
The performance of our employees is reviewed, focusing on the following questions so that each and every one of our staff can have a strong desire for personal growth, achievement of personal goals, and always challenge issues at a high level, and at the same time, their individuality and the spirit of accepting new challenges can be fostered. These questions are: “Have you set high goals and strived to achieve them?”,“ Did you steadily carry out a process to achieve these goals? ”
Employees’ work tasks and themes are set through dialogue with their managers. In this way, employees can clarify their goals and make efforts to improve their skills. This approach also leads to strengthening the relationship of trust between managers and their staff. At Sanyo Special Steel, we also support the self-realization of each individual through a self-assessment system in which individual employees can state their aspirations regarding job and workplace options through career design talks and through interviews with junior employees.
Diversity initiatives
Promotion of female participation and “Positive Action* Declarations”
*Positive Action: Efforts to promote voluntary and female participation by individual companies to eliminate differences between male and female workers
We have set a goal to raise the ratio of female employees to 25% by the end of March 2028.
To achieve this, we are making efforts to create a workplace where all employees including women can achieve self-realization through their work while enjoying a fulfilling family life.
Through specific efforts such as the systematic recruitment of female employees, expansion of job categories, active appointment of women in managerial positions, and ongoing employment support of employees during life events such as child-raising and caring for family members, we are striving to create a “work-friendly” environment for women.

Training to be held for female employees to support their further success.
Systematic recruitment of female employees and expansion of job categories
We are making efforts to recruit personnel based on a recruitment plan that sets targets for the number of male and female employees respectively, and we are taking active steps to assign female employees to manufacturing sites, sales departments, and other departments where there have previously been few female employees.
Support measures including childcare
To support female employees during pregnancy and after childbirth, we have put in place various programs including improvements in childcare leave, the child rearing allowance, and reduced working hours, all of which had been requested by many employees. As a result, procedures for obtaining childcare leave and returning to the workplace have been mostly established.

Our original maternity working wear

Lounge for women during of pregnancy and childrearing

“Diversity Management Selection 100” is intended to award the "companies that have played an enhanced corporate value by diversity management".